Thread subject: :: Syrphidae. Which eupeodes male?

Posted by Leif Bloss Carstensen on 16-01-2016 18:18

Male reared 2015 galls on Artemisia vulgaris. Bjerringbro, Denmark.

lateral margin of tergit 5: entirely yellow

alula: almost entirely covered in microtrichia

facial hairs along eyes: black

hairs on scutellum: black

Edited by Leif Bloss Carstensen on 16-01-2016 18:29

Posted by Leif Bloss Carstensen on 16-01-2016 18:23

The location is open and windy. Plants with triglyphus primus larvae.

Edited by Leif Bloss Carstensen on 16-01-2016 18:29

Posted by Ectemnius on 16-01-2016 20:15

Hello Leif Bloss Carstensen,

Well, now that you also have male specimens I'd say E. goeldlini. Because the sternite markings are exactly as in Speight 2007. Also with the male at hand it will be possible to check the genitalia. I'd have to see if there' s literature depicting them. If you' d want a pdf of that, send me a pm.



Posted by Leif Bloss Carstensen on 16-01-2016 20:52

Hello Ectemnius. The male and female are 17 years apart, but the locations just 2-3 km. And galls can be found all around the small city. So both may be E. goeldlini. If you find literature depicting male genetalia, please send me a pdf or a link. I will try to find larvae this year. Not impossible, thanks to the number of galls around the city. I will label the male E. Goeldlini.
