Thread subject: :: Calliphoridae - Lucilia? => Lucilia cf. caesar

Posted by npisec on 13-01-2016 23:01

Slovenia, Grosuplje, 340m, 5.8.2009

Can somebody identify this green bottle fly? Is it one of Lucilia sp.?


Edited by npisec on 14-01-2016 01:04

Posted by npisec on 13-01-2016 23:05

2nd shot

Posted by npisec on 13-01-2016 23:06

3rd shot

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 14-01-2016 00:11

Yes it is a female Lucilia : 3 possible species : caesar, illustris and ampullacea. Given the rather narrow frons, I would exclude illustris. The 3d antennal segment seems not enough long for ampullacea ?
So Lucilia cf. caesar would be my guess... Just a guess.

Posted by npisec on 14-01-2016 01:03

Thank you Stephane :)

Best wishes,