Thread subject: :: Another hoverfly from Sweden

Posted by FrankH on 06-12-2015 15:57

this overfly is also from Sweden, the photo was taken in August.
What species is it?
Thanks and best wishes, Frank

Edited by FrankH on 06-12-2015 15:58

Posted by Sundew on 06-12-2015 19:12

It is a female Eristalis, and this genus is tricky. For a certain identification, we should see the colour of legs and feet, the arrangement of hairs on the eyes (two bands or evenly distributed), and the face (is there a black stripe or not). In your case I dare a guess: the wings are hyaline without dark markings except the small pterostigma, and the latter is rather square, not elongated parallel to the surrounding veins. That points to E. interrupta.
The key to Eristalis can be found here: http://web.archiv...stkey.html.
Regards, Sundew

P.S. The hoverflies have their own Syrphidae forum - post your threads there to meet the experts...

Edited by Sundew on 06-12-2015 19:14

Posted by FrankH on 09-12-2015 15:04

Hello Sundew,
thank you very much for your help and for the useful link!
Best wishes, Frank