Thread subject: :: Dolden-Fruehlingsschwebfliege (Melangyna umbellatarum)?

Posted by Helga Becker on 08-11-2015 01:31


Can you help me with identification of this fly?

Wald bei Kirtorf / Vogelsbergkreis / Hessen / Germany 5. August 2007

Best regards

Helga Becker

Posted by Helga Becker on 08-11-2015 01:32

Helga Becker wrote:

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 08-11-2015 01:39

More likely a female Platycheirus (of the albimanus group).

Posted by Helga Becker on 08-11-2015 11:25

Stephane Lebrun wrote:
More likely a female Platycheirus (of the albimanus group).


Thank you for the correction and determination.

Best regards

Helga Becker