Thread subject: :: Which fly? (Palloptera ustulata)

Posted by ebbek on 16-10-2015 18:52

Here is a fly from a gravel pit in south Sweden 7 august. Body length about 4 mm. Thankful for help to ID.



Edited by ebbek on 17-10-2015 09:49

Posted by ebbek on 16-10-2015 18:52

Frontal view.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 16-10-2015 21:59

Palloptera ustulata female (Pallopteridae)

Posted by ebbek on 17-10-2015 09:49

Many thanks!


Posted by Paul Beuk on 17-10-2015 16:19

... or anderssomi. Still no reliable characters to separate these.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 17-10-2015 18:09

Doesn't the difficulty in separating ustulata and anderssoni only apply to individuals without wing-markings (i.e. anderssoni and teneral ustulata)? If it has markings then surely it can't be anderssoni?
Very happy to be corrected .... ;)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 18-10-2015 22:02

I had a nice series of 'ustulata' of the same locality and date, all with a well developed marking in the tip of the wing: 7 males of ustulata, 7 males of anderssoni, 7 females... The wing marking itself may display some geeographical variation and perhaps age variation, but it certainly tells you nothing about the species identity in a country like the Netherlands.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 19-10-2015 10:12

Thanks, Paul - I shall re-visit my ustulata more critically!

Posted by Paul Beuk on 19-10-2015 11:14

You really need to. :)