Thread subject: :: small black Agromyzidae

Posted by Sundew on 16-09-2015 17:09

This small, shining black fly was busy on the flowers of Hedera helix today. I think it is a Muscid, because it behaved so self-confidently - don't laugh! Tony Irwin once described the Lonchaeids as "shy old ladies", that puts their appearance in a nutshell. Agromyzidae are also different-looking, so I stay with Muscidae. The only small black one I know is Hydrotaea (e. g. H. ignava). I would be grateful for confirmation or correction of this idea!
Thanks, Sundew

Edited by Sundew on 16-09-2015 21:32

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 16-09-2015 17:39

Hi Claudia,
this is not a Muscidae, not even a calyptrata. I think Agromyzidae.

Posted by Sundew on 16-09-2015 21:31

Grrr... (I mean: thanks, dear Stephane!) These small black ones are vexing! However, I understand: the thorax of Hydrotaea must have a suture, but this one hasn't, so no Calyptratae. (How could I overlook that!) The last part of the ovipositor seems to be not retractable, which would fit Agromyzidae. The black ones are Melanagromyza and Ophiomyia; both I should already know. The discriminating features that Milos lists in http://www.dipter...d_id=28537 are hardly visible (is there a facial keel?), so I must leave it to him whether a genus is nameable...

Edited by Sundew on 16-09-2015 21:31

Posted by mcerny on 17-09-2015 07:35

Hi Sundew,
it is Melanagromyza sp.


Posted by Sundew on 17-09-2015 08:21

That settles the matter - thanks! Now I have to keep it in mind forever...