Thread subject: :: Unknown --> Paraplatypeza atra or P. bicincta

Posted by gertvanheghe on 14-09-2015 05:48


Thank you,

Edited by gertvanheghe on 16-09-2015 22:55

Posted by Sundew on 14-09-2015 10:24

A male of Platypezidae, and I have a guess: Agathomyia antennata. In the first pic I think I see a long basoventral seta on the first tarsomere of the middle leg, which points to this species. However, this is in no case an absolutely certain identification!
Regards, Sundew

Posted by gertvanheghe on 14-09-2015 19:30

Thank you, Sundew.
Just curious, but doesn't it also look a lot like Paraplatypeza atra?
Best regards,

Posted by Sundew on 15-09-2015 01:37

Now we have a second guess! The pictures do not show the details clearly. Paraplatypeza and Agathomyia differ in wing venation. So do the wings of your fly look like these: http://www.dipter...d_id=52086 or these: http://www.dipter...d_id=22116? Is there a tuft of bristles on the frons and grey dusting of tergite 6? It is difficult to decide... Our expert Michal Tkoc would perhaps know! I better withdraw from the discussion :|

Posted by gertvanheghe on 15-09-2015 06:44

I've added a 4th picture that hopefully shows just a little better the wing venation. Based on that, and with the 2 links that you supplied, I tend to think it is Paraplatypeza atra indeed.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 15-09-2015 11:21

Agathomyia are also more slender than this.

Posted by gertvanheghe on 15-09-2015 20:07

Thanks, Paul.

Posted by Menno Reemer on 16-09-2015 08:21

Yes, this is Paraplatypeza, based on wing venation and the small tuft of setae on the frons. However, based on these images I cannot decide between P. atra and P. bicincta. The latter is not included in checklists of Belgian and Dutch platypezids, but I have recently found it on several localities in the Netherlands (sometimes together with P. atra).

Posted by gertvanheghe on 16-09-2015 22:59

That's interesting! P. bicincta is on the active species list of but not on
Thanks for the info,