Thread subject: :: Distinctive Tachinid: Zophomyia temula?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 13-06-2007 13:17


Sized like a house fly, coloured like a Mesembrina meridiana and spiny like a Tachinid... Several of these flies were flying yesterday in the low vegetation at a hedge (Ostwestfalen/Germany). In the gallery I have found Zophomyia temula. Is that correct for this animal, too, or are there other species? Thanks!

Posted by Juergen Peters on 13-06-2007 13:18

Another picture.

Posted by ChrisR on 13-06-2007 14:03

Certainly looks like Zophomyia temula :)

Posted by Juergen Peters on 13-06-2007 15:36

Chris Raper wrote:
Certainly looks like Zophomyia temula :)

Many thanks, Chris! Again a new species for me. :D