Thread subject: :: Also wasp or dipt.?

Posted by Niki Winter on 12-06-2007 21:15

Lime in may other tread,
Wasp or dipt?

Thank you for yopur answer.

Posted by Maddin on 12-06-2007 21:42

Where did you take the picture and how big is it? It is clearly a Diptera, but it would help if you could indicate the continent?!?

Posted by Niki Winter on 12-06-2007 21:56

Hallo Martin
Ok a dipteria, I make the foto im Salzburger Land, the dipt. I think 10 to 12 mm large.
I hope this are enough information, I found it on a stone.

Posted by Maddin on 12-06-2007 22:35

This could be a female of Allognosta vagans (Dip. Stratiomyidae)- the wings are very dark for this species, but the head and the wing venetion fit.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 12-06-2007 23:15

I'd say Scenopinidae, Scenopinus species.
A new family for the gallery!:D

Edited by Tony Irwin on 12-06-2007 23:22

Posted by Maddin on 13-06-2007 01:35

I agree, I was a bitdistracted by the wing venation, or what I thought I saw... It is not a Strat,:o it is Scenopinus. Also the body is more elongate in Scenopinus than in Allognosta!

Posted by Niki Winter on 13-06-2007 08:55

Thank you very much for our idebtifications.
Best regards Niki

Posted by Tony Irwin on 13-06-2007 21:01

But you have just missed adding the first scenopinid for the gallery! see http://www.dipter...to_id=1694:)

Posted by Niki Winter on 14-06-2007 07:41

Hi Tony,
do you think, that my very, very bad photo is good for the gallery?
I have problems with the flash. So the photo is not desirable.


Edited by Niki Winter on 14-06-2007 10:12

Posted by Tony Irwin on 14-06-2007 18:46

Niki Winter wrote:
do you think, that my very, very bad photo is good for the gallery?
I have problems with the flash. So the photo is not desirable.

I think so. It is very different in appearance to Maddin's Metatrichia, and yours shows the family's venation much more clearly. I think it's worth putting up, at least until someone submits a better picture! ;)

Edited by Tony Irwin on 14-06-2007 18:47

Posted by Niki Winter on 14-06-2007 21:28

OK, ok, I have done it.