Posted by Will van Niekerk on 27-08-2015 14:56
Tiny - 3mm - black-and-beige bodied fly scuttling around on leaf-litter in Lusaka East (Zambia), close to a couple of artificial ponds but not so close as to clearly indicate association. Flicked its wings a lot.
Present from April-August at the very least. On one occasion, two of them seen within about 10cm of each other (whether either was responding to the other was unclear).
Edited by Will van Niekerk on 27-08-2015 18:50
Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 27-08-2015 16:10
From what's visible here (no. and position of white spots in discal cell and cell r1, scutellum dark-brown apically) should be
A. decemguttatus (Bezzi), cf. Dikow & Mathis, 2002 (Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash., 104(2): 249-290)