Thread subject: :: Unknown family

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 10-06-2007 11:35

I need some help to ID this little fly. I can't even grasp the family.:(
The fly was not found by me, I have got only this picture.
Any Idea ?

Locality : Pyr?n?es orientales (66) - FRANCE.
Date : May 31 2007
Habitat : dry scrubby environnement, more or less garrigue-like.
Size : approx. 5 mm.


Edited by Stephane Lebrun on 10-06-2007 11:38

Posted by Tony Irwin on 10-06-2007 15:35

Sarcophagidae, Miltogramminae, somewhere near Sphenometopia

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 10-06-2007 20:27

I would never have bet on Sarcophagidae, not even in calyptrate fly.
Thank you for your help Tony.

Posted by Liekele Sijstermans on 11-06-2007 23:48

I would never have bet on Sarcophagidae either.
Just because it is not Sarcophagidae. Indeed not even a calyptrate.

I am convinced it is acalyptrate: Milichia speciosa. We have seen a nice picture before, but this time it is a male.
(reference: Meigen, Abbildungen der europaeischen zweifl?gligen Insecten nach der Natur: CCX 1e).


Posted by Tony Irwin on 12-06-2007 00:59

Oops! :o
Wrong again! :(
Liekele is quite right - This looks more like a female Milichia speciosa. There was a nice male at
More pictures at

Edited by Tony Irwin on 12-06-2007 01:00

Posted by Paul Beuk on 12-06-2007 07:47

Argh, I though about female Milichia but could not find any image to match my suspicion, not even a description (did not find/take time to search hard enough for that, I admit).

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 12-06-2007 19:17

Thank you all very much.;)
