Thread subject: :: Therevid ovipositing

Posted by ChrisR on 03-06-2007 23:39

Photographed in southern England today, on chalk downland; size 10mm. I know therevids can be difficult ot identify but does this one look do-able? :) Interestingly it spent about 5 minutes running over and ovipositing into loose earth. I have more photos if they're necessary.

Edited by ChrisR on 03-06-2007 23:40

Posted by Xespok on 04-06-2007 07:07

Post a frontal view. The face is important for determining female Therevids as in this case.

Posted by Steve Gaimari on 04-06-2007 16:24

Definitely in the genus Thereva, but not sure of the species. Kevin Holston may know - I think he is on this forum.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 04-06-2007 16:28

true. but he doesn't back to the forum since March 29 2005. (at least like a member) :)

I tried to contact him to see some therevids I caught, but he is busy now.

Posted by ChrisR on 04-06-2007 16:33

I don't have a very good photo of the head but this is the best...

I was thinking it looks a it like T. nobilitata or T. plebeja