Thread subject: :: Didysmachus picipes ?, Germany

Posted by Pristurus on 13-05-2015 00:45

found yesterday at an edge of a forest near Marburg. Is it a female Didysmachus picipes?
Regards, Ingo

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 15-05-2015 00:52

Maybe (probably), but i'd prefer to see a male... a closer look at the ovipositor could help. And a better vision of the underside of the front femora would help too.

Posted by Pristurus on 15-05-2015 23:23

Thank you Reinoud. I hope to find a few more individuals next week.
Greetings, Ingo

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 18-05-2015 21:24

Now we can exclude D fuscipennis for sure. D picipes is most likely. But females are hard to id with certainty.

Posted by Pristurus on 24-05-2015 01:05

Well at the same location I found a couple now.

Video of the copula:

Edited by Pristurus on 24-05-2015 01:06

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 26-05-2015 03:04

Nice video! The long projection on the upper forceps is visible, this has to be Didysmachus.

Posted by Pristurus on 27-05-2015 00:29

Reinoud, thank you very much. In my area this species seems to be related to warmer edges of forests.

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 27-05-2015 18:51

In the NL the species is completely dependant on the chalkhills in the south.