Thread subject: :: Forcipomyia ?

Posted by kristobal21 on 09-05-2015 10:32

This Ceratopogonidae is very hairy. Could it be a Forcipomyia sp. ?
This fly was met in the East of France
Thank you.

Edited by kristobal21 on 09-05-2015 11:17

Posted by kristobal21 on 09-05-2015 10:34

Lateral view

Posted by kristobal21 on 18-06-2015 07:49

Is it possible to confirm Forcipomyia sp ?

Edited by kristobal21 on 18-06-2015 07:50

Posted by John Carr on 19-06-2015 02:46

Probably Forcipomyia

Posted by kristobal21 on 19-06-2015 08:10

Thank you :)