Thread subject: :: Tachinidae

Posted by Michael Becker on 01-06-2007 17:40


which tachinidae - if at all - is this?

Thanks, Michael

(photo taken today, rhineland/germany, size about 8mm)

Posted by ChrisR on 01-06-2007 17:44

Caliphoridae - Pollenia sp. - from the curly, golden hairs on the thorax :)

Edited by ChrisR on 01-06-2007 17:45

Posted by eguzki on 01-06-2007 17:45

I vote against Tachinidae, I think it is a Pollenia sp. Calliphoridae rather, but I am not an expert....

Posted by Michael Becker on 01-06-2007 19:07

Oh no, an undeterminable Pollenia species again....

Besides, how do I distinguish Tachinidae from Calliphoridae? Or isn't there a simple way?


Posted by Smoggycb on 01-06-2007 19:49

In this case, the golden hairs on the thorax, very distinctive

Posted by ChrisR on 01-06-2007 20:00

It's not easy to see any of the features that make a tachinid while in the field - or even from a photo for that matter - because they're relatively hidden (subscutellum & hypopleural bristles). But I'd say this fly is hairy, rather than bristly so it's unlikely to be a tachinid. A bristle is a strong, socketed hair - look at one under a microscope and you'll see that a bristle mounts into a 'ball & socket' joint on the body.

But really, there's no substitute for experience - just learn what the various groups look like :)

Posted by Michael Becker on 01-06-2007 21:14

Thanks for your answers. I will try to differentiate between hairs and bristles next time. Probably I still will be often wrong and need help.


Posted by Zeegers on 02-06-2007 09:06

This Pollenia seems peculiar in having the topcel closed.
That might even help to get to species level, but we need an expert.
