Thread subject: :: ? Dolichopus sp

Posted by tristanba on 30-05-2007 19:49

This one again in London, c8 mm, taken in late May in damp grassland - Dolichopus or perhaps Poecilobothrus?

Many thanks

Posted by Paul Beuk on 30-05-2007 19:53

D. pennatus or subpennatus?

Posted by tristanba on 30-05-2007 19:58

Thanks again Paul, have looked at these two sp in the archives

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 30-05-2007 21:14

I think Dolichopus plumipes

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 31-05-2007 07:11

Mid tibia not striped, basitarsus much more plumose. So it is:
Dolichopus wahlbergi Zetterstedt, 1843: Dipt.Scand. 2: 546 ** Type locality: Sweden: "Ostrogothia ad Wadstena; Gottlandia, Stenkyrka". Palaearctic: England, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, France, Netherlands. Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Hungary, Estonia, Czech, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Russia *

Posted by tristanba on 31-05-2007 18:43

Thanks Igor, much appreciated