Thread subject: :: Xanthogramma dives (cf.)

Posted by Karol Ox on 02-03-2015 15:02

Hello. Xanthogramma pedissequum is correct? 2.8.2014, Slovakia, 200 m. Thank you.

Edited by Karol Ox on 12-03-2015 12:14

Posted by Raphael Weniger on 11-03-2015 22:16

Hey Karol ox,
its not X. pedissequum, this species would have a distinct grey/black band between each tergit and sternit. The specimen in your picture just have black stripes between the 1st and 2nd Tergit and sternit
So it is X. dives or X. stackelbergi which are difficult to separate. I leaning to X. dives because of the triangular shaped yellow spot on tergit 2, with a more pointed inner corner, in X. stackelbergi it should be more rounded.

a very descriptive key is provided by Speight and Sommaggio (but it is a provisional one!) "On the presence in Switzerland of Microdon myrmicae Schönrogge et al., 2002, Xanthogramma dives (Rondani,1857) and X. stackelbergi Violovitsh, 1975" 2010 in Entomo Helvetica


Edited by Raphael Weniger on 11-03-2015 22:17

Posted by Karol Ox on 12-03-2015 12:13

hubert von der Weide wrote:
Hey Karol ox,
its not X. pedissequum, this species would have a distinct grey/black band between each tergit and sternit. The specimen in your picture just have black stripes between the 1st and 2nd Tergit and sternit
So it is X. dives or X. stackelbergi which are difficult to separate. I leaning to X. dives because of the triangular shaped yellow spot on tergit 2, with a more pointed inner corner, in X. stackelbergi it should be more rounded.

a very descriptive key is provided by Speight and Sommaggio (but it is a provisional one!) "On the presence in Switzerland of Microdon myrmicae Schönrogge et al., 2002, Xanthogramma dives (Rondani,1857) and X. stackelbergi Violovitsh, 1975" 2010 in Entomo Helvetica


Hello Hubert.
Thank you for the information.
