Thread subject: :: Beetle-fly

Posted by ChrisR on 30-05-2007 01:29

I know a few of these have been posted here in the past - one of my favourite 'freaky flies' ;) Caught in a malaise trap in Western Malaysia 1999/2000 - size about 4mm. :)

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 30-05-2007 01:50


Posted by Steve Gaimari on 30-05-2007 23:41

This is a species of Spaniocelyphus. This genus is easy to distinguish by the abdominal tergites - they are subdivided into a middle part and left and right lateral parts, with longitudinal sutures between. In this photo, you can tell the sutures are there, although it is not as clear as a posterior view of the abdomen!

Identifying the species is not possible without dissecting the genitalia.


Posted by ChrisR on 30-05-2007 23:49

Thanks Steve :)