Thread subject: :: Tachinidae - Ectophasia sp. resting in Mentha sp.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 29-05-2007 14:47


* locality - Silgueiros - Viseu - PORTUGAL
* date - 2007.05.29
* size - 7 mm (medium fly)
* habitat - openland; near Mentha spp, grassfield, and with many leafhoppers
* substrate - resting in inflorescence of Mentha sp.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 29-05-2007 14:48


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 29-05-2007 14:48

and more details...

Posted by ChrisR on 29-05-2007 14:59

I'd guess E. crasspennis, but it's not a genus I am very familiar with :)

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 29-05-2007 18:51

E. crassipenis? :)