Thread subject: :: Platypezidae, May 27, 2007

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 29-05-2007 11:42

Size 3 mm. No bristles on R1 so Agathomyia; prosternum grey, abdomen black with grey spots on tergites I to IV, halteres reddish-yellow, I come to a female of A. antennata.
Could anyone please suggest a good key for Platypezidae that covers Central Russia. Or maybe I shouldn't bother and ask Andrey Ozerov (it's his group, too)? (P.S. Of course I meant Anatoli Shatalkin, sorry).

Edited by Dmitry Gavryushin on 29-05-2007 21:13

Posted by proctoss on 29-05-2007 15:14

Schatalkin A.I. 1985
Obzor gribnich much (Diptera, Platypezidae) fauni SSSR. sbornik trudov Zoo Museja MGU. t.23 s. 69-136

Edited by proctoss on 29-05-2007 15:19

Posted by Paul Beuk on 29-05-2007 20:08

I agree with antennata.

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 29-05-2007 21:14

Many thanks Victor and Paul.