Thread subject: :: Chrysopilus sp? => Chr. cristatus

Posted by Siga on 26-05-2007 08:45

High again

Here a rather tame fly, it didn't mind me taking photos and flew off only when I touched it (slightly) with my finger. From my poor knowledge it should be a Chrysopilus. In my book there is only Ch. crisatatus, in the Gallery two other ones, and because I don't know where exactly to look, I stick (or, as the Australian say, I bogged in)

Southern Germany 700m about sea, beside a garden pool on a leaf of Caltha palustris with casting date in the morning of May 25th 2007

It would be nice if someone could give a name to the poor thing, the veins at least are visible.

Thanks a lot,

Edited by Siga on 29-08-2020 19:58

Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-05-2007 20:38

Most probably Chrysopilus cristatus, a male.

Posted by Siga on 27-05-2007 17:24

Thanks Paul,

because you are not shure, I won't submit the picture for the Gallery. ;)


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 27-05-2007 18:33

I found one Chrysopilus well but with two spots in wings. the other is located between the spot we see in the above photo and insertion of wings in the body.

Posted by Siga on 28-05-2007 09:29

And you are shure that 2. spot is not the shadow of the halteres? (Because on one photo I found tracking the searches for Chrysopilus in the Forum posts the halters appeared just as a dark shadow)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-05-2007 11:30

Siga wrote:
Thanks Paul,

because you are not shure, I won't submit the picture for the Gallery. ;)


As no-one can discount the identification, you might just as well submit it. ;)

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 28-05-2007 12:00

Siga wrote:
And you are shure that 2. spot is not the shadow of the halteres? (Because on one photo I found tracking the searches for Chrysopilus in the Forum posts the halters appeared just as a dark shadow)

and you have totally reason! There were halteres! :) My specimen is quite similar to the your photo. ;) Perhaps mine is C. cf. cristatus as well. ;)