Thread subject: :: Anthomyiidae - unidentified fly

Posted by Lennart Bendixen on 28-12-2014 22:20


could someone please tell me, if this fly belongs to Hydrophoria or another family? To me it looks like H. linogrisea, but I guess there are many similar species I haven't seen yet...

Found on a lilly in a flower bed, next to a wild meadow near a forest in Mohrkirch, Schleswig-Holstein, Northern Germany-
2014-09-29, 12 a.m.

Kind regards,

Edited by Lennart Bendixen on 29-12-2014 21:37

Posted by Lennart Bendixen on 28-12-2014 22:21

here's another picture

Posted by javanerkelens on 28-12-2014 23:51

Hydrophoria species all have the arista long haired and this is not visible on your photos.
Also H. linogrisea has all legs yellowish/orange coloured and they are black on your photos.
I only can say… is indeed Anthomyiidae, but nothing more.
(for a proper ID on Anthomyiidae, we need larg, sharp photos, with as many as possible different views from all sites, so we can see more details)


Edited by javanerkelens on 28-12-2014 23:54

Posted by Lennart Bendixen on 29-12-2014 21:35

Thank you, Johanna, for the correction.
Unfortunately, when I took all those pictures I had no idea of how difficult it would be to identify the species...because I didn't know anything at all about dipterans, but luckily I'm an adaptive being ;-)
Best regards,

Posted by javanerkelens on 29-12-2014 22:00

You will learn in time!
Just...keep going and take lots of nice photos.
Anthomyiidae just is not an easy family to ID from photos.

Johanna :)

Edited by javanerkelens on 29-12-2014 22:00