Posted by Konrad Seipelt on 29-11-2014 10:52
perhaps Lasiomma?
Location: Germany, east of Nordrhein-Wesfalen, wet meadow, under willowtree, size about 5 mm without wings, photos on 17.11. 2014.
Greetings, Konrad
Posted by javanerkelens on 29-11-2014 22:29
I must admit, the second photo looks
Lasiomma-like, but I don't think it is. More likely a
Delia or
Botanophila species, only I can't see enough details to say anything more.
As you probable already know, .....on photos most female Anthomyiidae are all look-a-likes.
Posted by Konrad Seipelt on 30-11-2014 11:38
Hello Johanna,
thank you very much for your answer. Ich will note in future, that female A. are very difficult.
Kind regards, Konrad