Thread subject: :: Comb of Short Bristles on Hind Tibia; Empidid?

Posted by Stephen on 22-05-2007 13:58

Beautiful fly visiting early Spring flower. Empididae? I think I saw beak-like mouthparts in profile, but and not sure, and wasn't able to capture that in a photo. The thought the comb of short bristles on the hind tibia was interesting.

ID help appreciated.

21 May 2007, West Virginia USA, open area but near woodland.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 22-05-2007 14:02

jizz remember to me an empidid fly, really. ;)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-05-2007 14:06

R4+5 forked - Empis.

Posted by igor on 22-05-2007 14:10

You are right - Empididae, Empis sp. (female). The hind femur and tibia (and probably the mid femur) bear flattened bristles that is a quite common feature in some genera, including Empis. Usually, the pinnate legs are present in females (but sometimes also in males) and deal with swarming.

Posted by Stephen on 23-05-2007 12:44

Igor, Nikita, Jorge, thanks for your comments and ID information for this nice fly. I always appreciate the information that goes along with the ID too!