Thread subject: :: look at this beauty

Posted by chitrashanker on 22-05-2007 13:42

Location: India
habitat: rice paddy
I also have aflip photo of this. Wish I could photograph all these beauties live

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-05-2007 13:55

Anatrichus sp., Chloropidae

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-05-2007 15:25

PLease check if the mesonotum has the same longish spine-like setae as the scutellum has (not quite visible in the picture). If not, then it mioght also be Togeciphus, a genus closely related to Anatrichus.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-05-2007 17:39

Oops, it seems, Paul is right:(

Posted by chitrashanker on 23-05-2007 11:12

If spines are present on mesonotum its anatrichus and if not its togeciphus right?? I did not oberve any spines on mesonotum

Posted by chitrashanker on 23-05-2007 11:19

I am attaching a bigger image. Is this okay??:)