Thread subject: :: some images from india

Posted by chitrashanker on 22-05-2007 13:30

Is it okay if I post a group of photos like this one for identification or do I need to post it seperately

Edited by chitrashanker on 22-05-2007 13:37

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-05-2007 13:37

Post separately is always better.

Posted by Kahis on 22-05-2007 14:16

But since these were posted for identification... :)

1. Chloropidae?
2. Hydrellia (Ephydridae)
3. ? (first though was Psilota - Ephydridae)
4. Pipunculidae cf. Dorylomprha

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-05-2007 14:33

I havn't seen attached images:o
5. Crossopalpus, Hybotidae ?

Posted by igor on 22-05-2007 14:40

Quite slender for Crossopalpus.

Edited by igor on 22-05-2007 14:42

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 22-05-2007 15:25

number 5 remember to me, with strong appealing, a simuliid. :) Though, I might be wrong.

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 22-05-2007 15:26

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-05-2007 15:28

5. Ceratopogonidae. Only the first, swollen segment of the broken antennae is visible.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 22-05-2007 16:43

yes... really.. and it has just one pair of legs. :)

Posted by chitrashanker on 23-05-2007 10:56

Hey folks,
Am really sorry. Posting the images seperately. :(Yep the specimens are in real bad shape

Posted by chitrashanker on 23-05-2007 11:22

Location: India
Habitat: Rice paddies

Posted by chitrashanker on 23-05-2007 11:27

Location: India

Posted by chitrashanker on 23-05-2007 11:37

May be a syrphid???

Posted by chitrashanker on 23-05-2007 11:41

No 3 on its side

Posted by chitrashanker on 23-05-2007 11:50

Location: India
Does this lok like tomosvaryella sylvatica

Edited by chitrashanker on 23-05-2007 12:28

Posted by Paul Beuk on 23-05-2007 12:47

Hehe, separately would be as in 'in separate threads'. No need to repost them now, though. ;)

Posted by chitrashanker on 23-05-2007 13:18


Posted by Kahis on 23-05-2007 13:59

#2 is (still) a Hydrellia, no question marks needed :)
#3 is definitely a ephydrid near Psilopa.
#4 You are right, the 1st crossvein is close to the middle of the discal cell -> Tomosvaryella, not Dorylomorpha (at least in Europe, IIRC some oriental Dorylomorpha are close to Tomosvaryella in this aspect)

Size estimates can be very valuable (assuming they are correct!).