Thread subject: :: How to Identify a Fly

Posted by Tony T on 21-10-2014 15:47

1] Post image on Keep specimen in case more information is needed.
Specimen will always be identified at least to Family:
Family: Psilidae (thanks to ruud van der weele & John Carr)

Posted by Tony T on 21-10-2014 15:49

2] If specimen cannot be immediately identified beyond family, hope that someone will reference a key:
(thanks to John Carr)
Use the key to further ID specimen
Buck & Marshall Key:
1 First flagellomere 2.5-4.0x as long as high..... 2
flagellomere is 2.7x as long as high

Posted by Tony T on 21-10-2014 15:51

2: Tergites 2-4 more or less extensively bare but some marginal bristles always present....5

flight period mid-July to late September in Canada (Canadian specimen collected October 17).

Posted by Tony T on 21-10-2014 15:53

5: Parafacials at narrowest point less than half as wide as vertical diameter (height) of 1st flagellomere:

Posted by Tony T on 21-10-2014 15:54

two pairs of subequal dorsocentral bristles:

.......................................................... Psila perpolita