Thread subject: :: From India for identification

Posted by chitrashanker on 18-05-2007 06:38

Hi, I have a few dipeterans from my sweep net collections in rice fields. I am not a diptersist and would be very happy if someone can identify my specimens upto family and genus level
Is the attached image Hydrellia?

Edited by chitrashanker on 18-05-2007 07:59

Posted by Kahis on 18-05-2007 08:33

Notiphila (Ephydridae)

Posted by chitrashanker on 18-05-2007 10:59

Is not Hydrellia mor common in rice habitat. It did seem more like Hydrellia to me

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 18-05-2007 12:09

Again from Nikita: he still thinks it's a Notiphila. At least in Thailand it was the commonest shore fly on rice paddies.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 18-05-2007 12:17

It works finallly, thank you Paul.
I don't think that it is Notiphila, it is Notiphila!

Posted by Tony Irwin on 19-05-2007 17:18

I agree with Kahis and Nikita - this is Notiphila. Perhaps Nikita could post one of his great Notiphila photos on the gallery? ;)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 19-05-2007 18:43

I wish to post, Tony, but I still havn't Notiphila with trusted species level ID. This season I promis!

Posted by chitrashanker on 21-05-2007 08:18

Thank you Kahis, Nikita and Tony for your help