Thread subject: :: #2 - diptera from venice - Italy

Posted by Andrea Mangoni on 17-05-2007 19:22

Hi to all,

could you help me to identify this species? I've taked the pictures today, 17 may 2007, near e river.

many thanks for your help!!

Posted by Kahis on 17-05-2007 19:31

Family Tachinidae. It looks kinda familiar, but I cannot recall the genus name :|

Posted by ChrisR on 17-05-2007 20:21

That looks like Dexia cf. rustica (family Tachinidae) to me :) Definitely a dexiine but I can't quite see if there is a central facial ridge ... do you have more angles Andrea? Perhaps one that shows the face from the front?

Edited by ChrisR on 17-05-2007 20:26

Posted by Andrea Mangoni on 17-05-2007 20:35

Thanks to all!

Chris: no, unfortunately i've not other pictures - she escaped before i can take any other photograph!

Many thanks at all!!


Posted by Zeegers on 17-05-2007 21:38

Again, I'm with Chris.
The topcel looks stalked, but that must be a trick.
It's not Estheria neither Dinera grisescens, and also no Dexiosoma, so it must be Dexia rustica. A female.
