Thread subject: :: Muscidae and Calliphoridae Identification

Posted by Pierre-Nicolas Libert on 01-09-2004 11:10

Dear All,

Does anybody know the references of a key which allows me to identify Muscidae and Calliphoridae?
Does anybody have a copy for me?

Pierre-Nicolas LIBERT
rue de Ramez?e, 8
5377 SOMAL

Posted by Paul Beuk on 01-09-2004 20:19

Rognes, K., 1991. Blowflies (Diptera, CAlliphoridae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 24: 1-272. (Will cover most of Belgium.)
Erzinclioglu, Z., 1996. Blowflies. - Naturalist's Handbook 23: 1-71, pl. 1-5. (Possibly not complete for Belgian fauna.)

You can try to Contact Guido Van de Weyer, who gave the last update on the Belgian list.

Assis Fonseca, E.C.M. d', 1968. Muscidae. - Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10(4b): 1-119. (Propably covering most of Belgium but likely to miss many more 'continental' species.)
Hennig, W., 1955-1964. 63b. Muscidae. In: Die Fliegen der pal?arktischen Region 7(2) (E. Lindner, ed.): 1-1110, pl. 1-33. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart. (Large and outdated, certainly inre spect to nomenclature.)

I do not have copies left,, since these are most;y quite voluminous works. Erzinclioglu's key is probably not too difficult to obtain.


Posted by Jan Willem on 01-09-2004 22:20

For Muscidae the following might also be useful:

Gregor, F., R. Rozko?n?, M. Bart?k & J. Vaňhara, 2002. The Muscidae (Diptera) of Central Europe.-- Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 107: 280 pp.

This should also be not too difficult to obtain!

Jan Willem

Posted by Paula on 12-04-2005 01:15

I think for a first approach, you can use the program and the key that they are in this site, in download. I have a very good key from the national history museum ( a fotocopies from a big book), i can send you but it delays a lot because i?m in argentina. Good Luck!

Posted by pjoris on 24-02-2011 00:55

Jan Willem wrote:
For Muscidae the following might also be useful:

Gregor, F., R. Rozko?n?, M. Bart?k & J. Vaňhara, 2002. The Muscidae (Diptera) of Central Europe.-- Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 107: 280 pp.

This should also be not too difficult to obtain!

Jan Willem

Ehm you say that but ..., I really would like this one. Does anybody know how/where I can order this ? I looked at the Masarykova University and Insecta/Pensoft but see no way to order it - anybody any suggestions. Or possibly which library in Belgum/the Netherlands might have this one?

Thanks, Joris

Edited by pjoris on 24-02-2011 00:56

Posted by Stephen R on 24-02-2011 01:06

Posted by pjoris on 24-02-2011 01:25

Thanks, but it seems no longer available from them. (I realize now that it might have been easy to get when the question was first asked, 5 years ago). Joris

Edited by pjoris on 24-02-2011 01:29

Posted by pjoris on 11-03-2011 22:02

Ordered from NHBS in the mean time. Waiting for delivery. Joris