Thread subject: :: Anthomyiidae --> Anthomyia procellaris or imbrida
Posted by kuv on 22-08-2014 11:56
Denmark, East Jylland, near Juelsminde, coastal area, about 5 msm, at a bush (between gardens and forest), Outsidefoto: kuv, 19th of August 2014. Comparing the pictures in the Diptera Gallery for me it's doubtful A. pluvialis oder procellaris. Please help.
Edited by kuv on 23-08-2014 10:59
Posted by kuv on 22-08-2014 11:57
Second pic:
Posted by Michael Ackland on 23-08-2014 09:33
Not pluvialis as the postsutural lateral dark mark broadly reaches the wing root. Could be either Anthomyia procellaris or A. imbrida, but one needs to see the 5th sternite or the hind tibia setae to ID it.
Posted by kuv on 23-08-2014 10:56
Thank you very much Michael, but I have no other pics to see what is necessary, sorry.
Best regards
Posted by Michael Ackland on 24-08-2014 17:53
Here are some photos of the postsutural lateral black marks for Anthomyia pluvialis, procellaris and imbrida. The genus Anthomyia comes up often, and these three photos of the male markings may help. There are other species in the Mediterranean region. Anthomyia imbrida is less common than the other two species.
This is Anthomyia pluvialis
Posted by Michael Ackland on 24-08-2014 17:54
Anthomyia procellaris
Posted by Michael Ackland on 24-08-2014 17:55
Anthomyia imbrida
Posted by kuv on 25-08-2014 12:55
That's great, thank you for informations Michael.
Greetings kuv