Thread subject: :: Brown fly

Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 13-05-2007 21:57

I saw this brownish fly today in Amstelveen, The Netherlands. Knee-high grassland, with pond and ditch at close quarters. Can it be identified to family/genus (and who knows, species) level?

Edited by Cor Zonneveld on 13-05-2007 21:58

Posted by Paul Beuk on 13-05-2007 22:32

Chrysopilus male, Rhagionidae.

Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 14-05-2007 16:08

Are these female and male of the same species, incidentally?

According to Stubbs & Drake cristatus should have all black legs, but the female in this photograph appears to have a yellow femur III. Does this affect the earlier statement about cristatus (as suggested by the photograph of the female)?

Edited by Cor Zonneveld on 14-05-2007 16:14