Thread subject: :: guestion

Posted by amaira on 12-05-2007 18:38

Well, I really don?t know if this is a fly or not, but I think that the behavior was that of a fly, and the sound too.

Really sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, the creature didn?t like my curiosity. But it was very very special, and if someone know it, there will probably be no problem to identify it.

The size was a litte bit smaller than a normal honeybee. The sound a litte bit more "iiii" ;). I had no chance to see if the eyes were of a fly or of a bee, but they were light and spectacular green, and the face between the eyes were spectacular orange! Really peculiar, and I am so curious about it!

Today, 12 maj, 40 km NV Stockholm, Sweden.

Posted by ChrisR on 12-05-2007 19:22

Looks like a bee ... Anthophora sp. ?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 12-05-2007 20:19

The orange face may not be "natural". Lamium purpureum flowers have bright red pollen - I wonder if this bee has put on some make up? :)

Posted by amaira on 12-05-2007 20:45

Lamium purpureum, that?s right :). You mean, she is deceiving me? Successfully in that case! :D But still she has very beautiful green eyes.

Sorry I put the pictures of the bee in diptera thread.

And thankyou very much Chris and Tony!