Thread subject: :: Scholastes? Fly from Mt. Isarog national park, Philippines

Posted by pbertner on 17-07-2014 06:31

Fly from Mt. Isarog national park, Philippines.

Fly seemed to take up residence on a log and was tasting the bark pulp chewed up by a resident nest of ants. When disturbed it only moved a short distance away. Photo taken in March 2014.

Thanks for any help anyone can offer,

Edited by pbertner on 17-07-2014 20:36

Posted by alepercol on 17-07-2014 07:20

Any kind of Platystomatidae, Scholastinae.

Posted by John Carr on 17-07-2014 13:23

Stephen Marshall's big book of flies has pictures of three genera of Scholastinae. This is similar to Scholastes and not to the other two genera. The eye pattern and details of the wing pattern are not identical to his photos.

Posted by ValerioW on 17-07-2014 13:32

Yes, resembles very much the coconut fly S. bimaculatus

Posted by pbertner on 17-07-2014 20:35

Thanks alepercol, John and Valerio.

I agree with John that the eye pattern and wings look different from the online photos of S. bimaculatus, though I'll tentatively label it Scholastes for now.