Thread subject: :: Leafminer (Phytomyza) id ?

Posted by BubikolRamios on 13-07-2014 09:55

Looks like Phytomyza to me (non expert opinion) : ?

Had it (mined leaf)stored in pot, have no idea what it was, lost track of that inf, however I have images of leaf mines taken by me, ordered by date (-:

So, if Phytomyza then likely Phytomyza aegopodii, or one of those Phytomyzas following it ?

Edited by BubikolRamios on 13-07-2014 09:57

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 20-08-2014 18:39

Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau, 1851) female, Agromyzidae. [partly treated in the genus Phytomyza Fallén]. One of the few extremely polyphagous leafminer flies with global distribution, a pest species about which far more than 1000 publications exist. Two peculiar morphological characters: acrostrichals (on the scutum) missing; arista with a distinct narrowing (neck) between the wider basal and the narrower distal part, its exact point beyond the mid of the arista (C. syngenesiae Hardy, 1849: basal of the mid of arista).