Thread subject: :: Bombylius? ID please

Posted by javig on 12-05-2007 00:11

Taken in Sierra de Huetor, Granada, Spain. May 1, 2007. In a meadow next to a forest of pines:

another view:

Many thanks.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 12-05-2007 00:13

Bombylella atra, also in the Bombyliidae gallery.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 12-05-2007 00:19

Granada is a very beautiful place. Great landscapes. Great Alhambra Palace. And a unique flora/fauna in Mulhac?n. And very hot in Summer: I was in the city with temperatures reaching easily 44? C and very high humidity. :S I wish to back to Granada.

Posted by javig on 12-05-2007 14:40

Thanks for the ID, Paul. Is possible to add my photo to the gallery? I believe that is more representative?

Jorge, :D you are right in everything what you say! lol

Many thanks.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 12-05-2007 15:57

yes. More pics for gallery that are correctly IDentified are ALWAYS welcome. :)