Thread subject: :: Orange Dolichopodidae ?

Posted by BubikolRamios on 11-07-2014 15:47

Loc.; Slovenia, forest. No such thing in diptera gallery (at Dolichopodidae) , I think.


Edited by BubikolRamios on 11-07-2014 15:48

Posted by ValerioW on 11-07-2014 16:10

Take care on wing venation. It's not a dolichopodid fly. the REASON (little help :D) will be clear as soon as you check it better.

Posted by ValerioW on 11-07-2014 16:23

Strange, if its ID is what I think, this fly isn't reported for Slovenia (yet).

Posted by BubikolRamios on 11-07-2014 16:54

I only take as good photos as I can & knowing what experts would pobaly like to see. Have no or some idea until I do a wing venation key (so far only body colors, have/have not color spots on wing & body size).

So do share what you think (-:

Edited by BubikolRamios on 11-07-2014 17:18

Posted by ValerioW on 11-07-2014 17:29

Wings indicate a Rhagionidae. Chrysopilus laetus female

Edited by ValerioW on 11-07-2014 17:30

Posted by ValerioW on 11-07-2014 17:31

the trick/help was maybe too stupid, sorry. Reason --> Ratio (latin) --> Rhagio(nidae)

Posted by BubikolRamios on 11-07-2014 19:26


Noticed, or it seems so, that diptera is avoided in Slovenia. I can find bunch of documents (pro) on almost anything else from animalia, plantae, fungi.

That is, lists of observed specieses. Diptera zero.

Where do you get ditribution info for Slovenia ?

Edited by BubikolRamios on 11-07-2014 19:27

Posted by ValerioW on 11-07-2014 20:00

Posted by BubikolRamios on 11-07-2014 22:35

Points to PESI.

See map below, all around Slovenia is green, seems reasonable it is here.

Posted by ValerioW on 12-07-2014 09:34

Yes, I think the same. Local climate/environment isn't much different from NW italy, N Croatia or SE Austria, so we can assume that this species can find it comfortable