Thread subject: :: Tachina fera?

Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 11-05-2007 21:16

I saw this Tachinid near Slenaken, South Limburg, the extreme southern tip of the Netherlands on Hawthorn growing at chalk grassland. I suppose it is T. fera, but it is very bleak; I've seen them much more vividly coloured. Is it fera indeed, or should other options be considered?

Posted by ChrisR on 11-05-2007 23:19

It certainly looks good for T.fera :)

Posted by Zeegers on 12-05-2007 09:06

though the vertex is a little bit broad for a male fera.
Can't seet the bristles on the head.
Fera male is most likely, but not certain in my opinion.
