Thread subject: :: Green fly

Posted by Michael Becker on 10-05-2007 19:08


can something be said about this fly? (size about 6mm, from germany)

Many thanks,

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 10-05-2007 19:31

Hello Michael, I think it is Chloromyia formosa (Stratiomyidae).

Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-05-2007 20:36

I'd rather think Microchrysa polita, a female.

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 10-05-2007 21:21

Things are never as easy as they seem with flies :@
Michael, you better follow Pauls suggestion!

Edited by Jan Zwaaneveld on 10-05-2007 21:22

Posted by Michael Becker on 10-05-2007 21:41


that's always good, when people find an agreement :-) I would have been happy, if had recognized the family stratiomyidae.

Dank je wel,

Posted by pierred on 11-05-2007 06:27


Jan Zwaaneveld wrote:
Hello Michael, I think it is Chloromyia formosa (Stratiomyidae).

Chloromyia formosa has much bigger antennas (and straight ones).