Thread subject: :: Lucilia sp

Posted by lema on 17-06-2014 20:44

Caliphoridae-Lucilia sp (sericata?; caesar?..??.)
from kitten's corpse, Istria.
ID if possible.


Posted by lema on 17-06-2014 20:45

A young specimen

Posted by lema on 17-06-2014 20:46

Lateral view

Posted by lema on 17-06-2014 20:47

Dorsal view

Posted by ValerioW on 17-06-2014 22:10

2 and 4 males: we can exclude L. sericata (we see 2 post acr). It's a Lucilia like caesar or illustris (I bet on the first one with that narrow frons). 3 is a female: I'm not sure it's the same; it seems to own 3 post acr. Do you have a dorsal-thorax view?

Posted by lema on 18-06-2014 17:12

thank you, and a dorsal view. I think It is the same fly