Thread subject: :: Empis sp

Posted by Chris Lewis on 09-05-2007 19:43

Foulness Essex 6/5/07
Can anyone help with the species?

Posted by Chris Lewis on 09-05-2007 19:43

Second picture

Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-05-2007 20:21

I think a rather fresh specimen of Empis stercorea.

Posted by igor on 09-05-2007 21:04

Hi Paul,
Please, check your identification once again (first antennal segment;)).

Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-05-2007 23:15

Ah, you might yourself have said: Empis scutellata. ;)
(Far too rare in Holland.)

Posted by Chris Lewis on 10-05-2007 08:03

Thank-you gentlemen.
I have submitted the images to the gallery.
Do either of you have a key to this genus that you could e-mail to me?


Posted by igor on 10-05-2007 10:01

Dear Chris,

To identify British Empis you could use Collin's British flies (Empididae). I could add that Chvala published a key to British species of Empis s. str. Let me know if you have problems to obtain these papers ? I will help you.

All the best,


Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-05-2007 10:55

Chvala's Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 1994 handbook about Empis also includes all British species but it costs a small fortune...

Posted by Sue Southway on 10-05-2007 14:58

I have photocopy of Collin's chapter on Empididae, it takes you to genus, but no further. I could take a copy of this copy for you, Chris, and put it in the post to you, if that would be a help.
all the best,