Thread subject: :: Rhagionidae

Posted by Andre Jas on 08-05-2007 23:37

Good evening,

I tried van Veen's key, but didn't get anywhere.
2007-05-08, Germany (west, near Nordhorn), pineforest, bramble, 15 degr. C, app. 15-18 mm.
Is it Rhagionidae and if so what genus? I'm happy with any effort!

Posted by Andre Jas on 08-05-2007 23:37


Posted by Andre Jas on 08-05-2007 23:38


Posted by Andre Jas on 08-05-2007 23:38


Posted by cosmln on 09-05-2007 00:14


i think this is some Empis, Empididae.
maybe this will help you.


Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-05-2007 09:31

Another Empis tessallata female.

Posted by Andre Jas on 09-05-2007 09:44

Hi cosmln and Paul,

I was completely on the wrong track. After cosmln's response I found out it should be tesselata. Sorry my mistake. Thanks.