Thread subject: :: Sepsidae; Themira?

Posted by kurt on 04-06-2014 18:29

Sepsidae with body 3 mm. Can it be Themira and is it possible to tell more in that case?
Photos from 1 June 2014 Salom 62 N, E 17 Ã…ngermanland, Sweden.

Thanks for your help in advance

Kurt Holmqvist

Posted by kurt on 04-06-2014 18:30

Last picture

Posted by Fred Fly on 04-06-2014 19:48

Based on the relative large, oval osmeterium on hind tibia this should be a male of Themira putris.

Posted by kurt on 05-06-2014 20:44

Thanks for your help Piet
Kurt Holmqvist