Thread subject: :: Tachinid2?

Posted by richard_thomas100 on 08-05-2007 00:15

I'm pretty sure this is a tachninid but am unsure what species it could be. Photographed on the 20th May last year at Hod Hill, habitat was chalk downland, but it was found in a ditch amongst a colony of marsh fritillarys. Approx. 10mm.



Posted by ChrisR on 08-05-2007 00:17

Looks like a Phryxe sp. but the photos is a bit small to tell. Needs a lot more magnification really :)

Posted by richard_thomas100 on 08-05-2007 00:29

Thanks Chris, i can try and enlarge the image, i was just a bit unsure what the site could deal with. I'll upload a bigger one tomorrow. Which features would be useful for identification?

Posted by ChrisR on 08-05-2007 01:01

I usually stick to 500x500px or 640x480px and under 200KB in size.

I'd always prefer to see a good dorsal shot (liek you have but bigger) and a good lateral shot. Tachinid keys rely on being able to see: the position of bristles on the thorax & abdomen; wing venation; leg bristles; hairs on the eye & arista; and bristles & hairs on the head/face. :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 08-05-2007 06:55

richard_thomas100 wrote:
Thanks Chris, i can try and enlarge the image, i was just a bit unsure what the site could deal with. I'll upload a bigger one tomorrow. Which features would be useful for identification?

You could have tried the FAQ: http://www.dipter...p?cat_id=2. ;)

Posted by richard_thomas100 on 08-05-2007 22:02

Hi, i've made this larger image, i'm unsure if it shows any additional features for identification?



Posted by richard_thomas100 on 08-05-2007 22:05

Sorry, here it is!

Posted by richard_thomas100 on 08-05-2007 22:09

Third time lucky?

Posted by Zeegers on 09-05-2007 07:35

I'm afraid we really can't tell from this picture.
It's not Phryxe, however. (eyes too close)


Posted by ChrisR on 09-05-2007 10:56

Yeah, it rings a bell ... but there's still not enough detail on the photo :(

Posted by Zeegers on 09-05-2007 17:56

It could be Carcelia, Phebellia, Nilea, ....
so I'm not gonna guess. It is rather stout, though.


Posted by ChrisR on 09-05-2007 20:48

Hmm, well observed Theo ... Carcelia was probably what I was reminded of. :)