Thread subject: :: Tachina sp.

Posted by Isidro on 06-05-2007 23:47

There are indentical for an "amateur" as mine :(

Yesterday, Fuendetodos, Aragon, Spain, taking sun in a stone in a road surrounded by wheat fields and steppe-lands. 13-15 mm.

Regards ;)

Edited by Isidro on 08-05-2007 14:10

Posted by ChrisR on 07-05-2007 12:30

I wouldn't like to say which Tachina spp. it is - the base colour is either very dark or the photo has too much contrast perhaps?

Posted by Isidro on 07-05-2007 17:13

No, is the colour of the fly.

Posted by Isidro on 08-05-2007 11:12

Anybody knows the difference between these species?

Posted by ChrisR on 08-05-2007 11:29

In simple terms the 2 species are split using the colour of the fore tarsus and the frons/eye ratio. The problem is that these are very hard to tell from the photo but the fore tarsus does look very dark, which *might* suggest magnicornis. BUT (and this is a big but!) you are assuming this is either fera or magnicornis, but I think in southern Europe there are other species.

Posted by Isidro on 08-05-2007 14:10

Oh, sorry. I supposed that there are only these two species with these coloration, but clearly can be any other species. I'm completely new in Dipterans, excuse my big error!

Posted by ChrisR on 08-05-2007 15:21

No problem :) The Central European key (Tschorsnig & Herting, 1994) is a good starting point with tachinids but it is only accurate in north/central Europe. In Spain you might have to consult local literature and perhaps discuss this with Spanish dipterists to get a more complete picture :)

To download my English translation of the Central European key visit this link: http://tachinidae...nloads.php