Thread subject: :: Lonchaeidae

Posted by evdb on 25-04-2014 11:48


Center of France, 20th april 2014,
With the longer hairs in the fringe of the calypterae is it Silba fumosa
Eugène Vandebeulque : France : Pers-en-Gâtinais : 45210 : 20/4/2014
Altitude : NR - Taille : # 4 mm
Réf. : 118329

Posted by Iain MacGowan on 28-04-2014 11:20

Hi Eugene
I think you are correct - looks very much like S. fumosa Iain

Posted by evdb on 28-04-2014 12:04

Thanks Iain :)
(If you want it, pick it up)