Thread subject: :: Id assistance required

Posted by ChasMacey on 01-05-2007 15:47


Please can someone assist in Id'ing this fly ? my guess after going through the Gallery is Sciomyzidae, but I am usually wrong.

The pictures were taken in Surrey Southern England on 28th April 2007 and the fly was approximately 12 - 14mm in length. it is resting on a reed/grass in my garden pond.

regards Chas

Posted by Paul Beuk on 01-05-2007 15:50

Well, Chas, be happy and rejoice: You are finally right! It is a sciomyzid. Tetanocera?

Posted by ChasMacey on 01-05-2007 16:02

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the quick response, and it's nice to get something right at last, and yes it does look like the other pictures of Tetanocera

Regards Chas