Thread subject: :: Anthomyiidae (Fucellia fucorum)

Posted by ebbek on 08-02-2014 18:00

Thankful for help with this fly from SW Sweden today, about 5 mm.


Edited by ebbek on 11-02-2014 15:35

Posted by Roger Thomason on 08-02-2014 19:56

Anthomyiidae; Fucellia sp. [I think] :|

Posted by ebbek on 08-02-2014 20:34

Many thanks for help!

Could it be F. fucorum (wide gena and black legs)? Are there any other views that can help to ID?


Edited by ebbek on 08-02-2014 20:35

Posted by ebbek on 08-02-2014 23:56

Another view. Are all Fucellia typical seashore flies? This fly was found about 15 km from the seashore in our garden in a forest dominated landscape.

Edited by ebbek on 08-02-2014 23:58

Posted by ebbek on 09-02-2014 17:13

I am not sure it helps - but here is a dorsal veiw.

Posted by Michael Ackland on 11-02-2014 14:48

It is Fucellia fucorum female (black tibia). Most Fucellia are coastal, sometimes the coastal species are found up rivers. There are a few Scandibavian species found only on inland lakes, such as Lake Tornetrask in the North, such as Fucellia signata.

A good photo (the first one):)

Posted by ebbek on 11-02-2014 15:34

Many thanks - nice to know which species!

There are small rivers from the coast up to this area - and perhaps even the strong winds which we have had several times this winther can transport some flies up here from the coast .........
