Thread subject: :: Another Canadian Tiny Fly

Posted by Tony T on 29-04-2007 19:27

23 April 2007, New Brunswick, Canada. Length: 2.25mm
Really hoping for some decent-sized flies, but only small stuff turning up in my Malaise trap:(
Family? Genus?

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 29-04-2007 19:31


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 29-04-2007 19:39

... and genus Elachiptera, I think.

Posted by Kahis on 29-04-2007 21:13

Definitely Elachiptera. it looks quite like the Palearctic E. tuberculifera (Corti).

Posted by Tony T on 29-04-2007 22:11

Thanks Jorge, Nikita, and Kahis. You folks are a fantastic resource. Stone et al (1965) "Catalog of NA Diptera" list only costata, nigripes, vittata as potentially from my area. I suspect more species have been found here since 1965.