Thread subject: :: Dolichopodidae sp. ?

Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 29-04-2007 00:13

Hello flyforum,

I was wondering if this fly with it's giant antennen is Dolichopodidae sp.?

Are these antennen characteristic for a typical Dolichopodidae sp.?

Place: Amsterdam Forest, near a creek


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 29-04-2007 00:31

what a doli! :S

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 29-04-2007 08:27

I think the most probable version is
Rhaphium appendiculatum Zetterstedt, 1849: Dipt.Scand. 8: 3058 ** Type locality: Sweden: Scania ad Esperod. Palaearctic: Sweden, Finland, England, Ireland, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Middle Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, Algeria, Morocco; Afrotropical: St. Helena // syn. of Rhaphium macrocerum Meigen, 1824 (Parent, 1925: Enc.ent. (B II) Dipt. 2: 41-42); rest. Collin, 1940: Ent.monthly Mag. 76 [= 4(1)]: 266-267 *

Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 29-04-2007 12:15

thank you very much Jorge and Igor.

I'll name it Rhaphium appendiculatum and put a questionmark after it.
As anyone can confirm this id, you are welcome!


Posted by Igor Grichanov on 29-04-2007 13:44

Welcome to everybody to check the species distribution in their countries. Or maybe all Rhaphiun species

Multiple male colour and morphological ornaments (male secondary sexual characters or MSSC) are commonly found on antennae, mouthparts, legs, wings and abdomen in many Dolichopodidae species in addition to large genital capsule (hypopygium). This decoration developed more in tropical species marks out long-legged flies from all other Diptera (Sivinski, 1997).